Dear Parents,
you have got younger children at a primary school in Dülmen. That´s why you got a questionnaire from the city council of Dülmen a few days ago in order to answer it and to send it back.
The reason for this anonymous questionnaire is that a new school has been planned for Dülmen. Because of this we, the “initiative of citizens“ are turning to you now.
In Germany we have a unique kind of secondary school- system with three different types of schools: Gymnasium, Realschule and Hauptschule. The city council wants to close down the last Hauptschule in Dülmen because they believe that there aren´t enough students. But we believe that it is necessary for Dülmen to have such a wide range of schools, so that every student has the best possible education according to his skills. We think that Dülmen already has good schools and that we don´t need a new one!
The new school shall be very big (more than 900 students) and it will cost a lot of money. The building is going to be the Hermann-Leeser Realschule which will be a building site for the next years and whose noise will affect the schoolday of your children. We are parents of students from both schools (Haupt- and Realschule) and we want to stop this project.
We therefore ask you politely to fill in the questionnaire! You will be asked different questions, but the most important one is the third question where you have to tick one of the four answers. Only if you tick the last box with „ bestimmt Nein“ (= definitely No) you will personally vote against a new school-building and you´ll contribute to the maintenance of our two good schools.
The result of this election will be projected to 100%. Meaning that less people voting with a „Yes“ or a „Perhaps“ are necessary for the establishment of this new secondary school. Only 75 parents of the 2nd graders and 75 parents of the 3rd graders (from a total of 800 parents) voting with a Yes/Perhaps , would be reason enough for building this new school!
In our opinion this isn´t fair even if the law is on the council´s side.
That´s why we´d like you to inform yourself about this new school before you hand in the questionnaire. If you believe that Dülmen already has schools that are good enough for the further education of your children, then please vote with a clear No = „ Bestimmt Nein“.